The Best Time to Send Emails for the Highest Open Rate


When it comes to writing emails to your list, there are 3 things you need to keep in mind.

  • The content of the email.

  • The subject line.

  • When you send the email.

The time and day that you send your email is often something that can be overlooked. But the time you send your email can mean the difference between your email being opened or deleted. That’s why the time you send it is so crucial!

Get the most clicks with these fool-proof email timing strategies:

First off, did you know there are certain days people check their emails on more often than others? Out of every day of the week, the day people check their email the most on - and the day that receives the highest open rates - is TUESDAY.


The second highest open-rate can be seen on THURSDAY. 


And the third - WEDNESDAY. 


Oftentimes, many businesses make the mistake of sending their emails on Monday which leads to a barrage of emails in the recipient's inbox. And the more cluttered someone’s inbox is, the more likely they are to miss an email sent that day. 


By the middle of the week, their inbox is generally cleaner - giving them a better chance of spotting and opening your email.


When you send an email you have to consider when it will be received by people in different time zones. In some instances, you may be able to check a box so it is sent at a certain time in every time zone. For example, if you want it to be received at 6 am you can make sure it's sent at 6 am in every time zone.


Just as there are better days to send your emails on, there are also better times.

Studies show that the best time to send your emails is generally 10 or 11 am.


This is again because people have typically cleared their inbox in the morning - so when you send your email, it won’t get lost in a sea of other emails. 


Any email from 9 am to 5 pm is also likely to be seen as people tend to check their emails at work.

The next best time to send an email is at 8 pm as people check their emails before bed.


So…how often do you NEED to send your emails?

How often do you WANT to send them out?





The answer depends on you and what you are able to do consistently. One way to start determining how often you should send your emails is to check your email analytics to see how many opens you’re getting and when.

If you feel like you're running out of things to say to your list, I compiled some quick email ideas to help you connect with them on a deeper level!

Only available until 10/31/20!