If You Have An Email List, You HAVE to Do this One Thing


Always and I'm serious, ALWAYS use the "resend to unopens" option if you have it.

Every time you resend your email to the ones who didn't open it, a few are bound to open it the second time around. Here are some quick tips though before clicking that "resend to unopens" button.

1. Change up some of the wording in the email if you can. I use Flodesk for my emails right now and unfortunately, you can't edit the email if it's already been sent. Changing up the wording helps to keep your email out of the receiver's spam folder.

2. Change the subject line. This is a MUST. The first subject line obviously didn't grab their attention so switch it up with something else. This is also a great way for you to get to know what subject lines grab your subscribers' attention.

3. Don't resend to the unopens immediately. On Flodesk, you have to wait 24 hours I think before they'll let you resend it. I send my weekly email on Tuesdays, check the analytics on Wednesday, and schedule the email to resend to the unopens on Thursday.


This picture is what my analytics looked like last week after I resent the weekly email. The open rate for that email increased 11.3% and had 27 more opens! All I did was change the subject line and resent it two days later.

So I would highly encourage you to start utilizing this little magic tool and watch your open rate increase every week.

If you need help with your emails, shoot me a message. I'm happy to chat.

Get the 7 Step Process to Reaching Your Ideal Audience Through Email here! It’s designed to help people who want to use MailChimp, Mailerlite, and Flodesk.